Home > Local Services > Gas, Diesel, and EV Stations > EV Charging Stations
If you are insane enough to be driving any sort of electric vehicle, know this:
You are not welcome in Cochise County, or even in Arizona. Period.
Electric vehicles are environmentally destructive, corrosive to human life and civilization, as well as downright dangerous to anyone near them.
If you do not know this, you are ignorant as well as stupid.
(Yes, we still have the list of EV stations in Cochise County, read on...)
Calm, cool, level-headed, and more importantly, TRUE.
This video goes over the Big LIE about EVs "saving the planet" that we've all been told by the governments, the environmental wackos, and the car manufacturers who want to cash in on our gullibility.
But, that's not all...
Debate over "saving the planet" aside, the REAL danger of EVs on the road, any road, but especially roads in Cochise County (and anywhere else in Arizona), is FIRE.
If an EV catches fire, whether from an accident or from spontaneous combustion (oh, yeah, that happens) the amount of pollution, the amount of damage to surrounding vehicles, structures, even the roads themselves, is NOTHING compared to the FACT that an EV fire can't be put out.
Lithium-ion batteries, once they catch fire are CHEMICAL fires that shoot molten metal to surrounding areas, and create their own oxygen (one of the three ingredients of a fire) so that even if they are covered in foam, dirt, or the new-fangled "blankets" being developed to contain the fire, NOTHING can put out the fire -- it has to extinguish itself by burning out.
It's called "thermal run-away" and it's NOT good.
EV batteries have been known to re-ignite repeatedly, even several WEEKS after a fire has been "extinguished."
This endangers lives as well as the environment. Especially an environment as dry and fire-sensitive as the desert (hint: Cochise County).
Oh, and news flash, Cochise County fire departments are NOT equipped with giant fire-suppressant blankets, huge water-proof shipping containers for submerging hot EVs, or even the water necessary to use them if they did have those containers.
And just to put the fine point on it:
This was an EMPTY transit bus in Paris that caught fire without any external inducement.
A single cigarette thrown out along the road in the desert can ignite an entire thousands-acre wildfire. What kind of damage could your idiot EV do from a simple fender-bender?
So, here's the list of EV Charging Stations in Cochise County:
The ONLY reason we have listed all of the EV charging stations in Cochise County is so that you can recharge your vehicle to the maximum and then hit the road.
Get out of Cochise County. Get out of Arizona. Don't come back.
You and your vehicle are not worth the risk to any of us, at any price.
Tesla Destination Charger
Electric vehicle charging station in Tombstone, Arizona
Address: 580 W Randolph Way, Tombstone, AZ 85638
Tesla Destination Charger
Electric vehicle charging station in Sierra Vista, Arizona
Address: 4100 E Snyder Blvd, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
ChargePoint Charging Station
Electric vehicle charging station in Sierra Vista, Arizona
Address: 400-520 N Garden Ave, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Tesla Supercharger
Electric vehicle charging station in Willcox, Arizona
Address: 1251 Virginia Ave, Willcox, AZ 85643
ChargePoint Charging Station
Electric vehicle charging station in Douglas, Arizona
Address: 4027 N Twin Buttes Ct, Douglas, AZ 85607
Electrify America Charging Station
Electric vehicle charging station in Benson, Arizona
Address: 201 S Prickly Pear Ave, Benson, AZ 85602
Home > Local Services > Gas, Diesel, and EV Stations > EV Charging Stations
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